Sunday, November 24, 2013

[Review] - A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Text in Computational Science and Engineering)

For those who don't know me, I'm a biologist, with an interest in bioinformatics. I've never formally taken a computer science course in the past. I've always wanted to, but could never find the time. Instead, I decided to self-learn programming in my spare time.

I've decided to learn Python as my first programming language because it is said to be relatively easy to pick up by a person who has not prior knowledge of programming. Python also seemed to be a commonly used scripting language in the bioinformatics field.

Through my university subscriptions, I was able to get ahold of an electronic copy of Hans Petter Langtangen's book A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering). It is also available from Amazon for around $65 USD.

I'd give the book an 8/10. The book is a book that provides plenty of examples and presents material in a nice slow manner. It really does assume one doesn't have any experience in programming in Python or any other language. I would have like for it to take a more computer science approach, but I think that this is a complaint that is relatively unique to me, because I like more theoretical treatise of subjects before diving in. My only complaint with the electronic copy of the book is that the chapters are separated in different pdfs, but this won't be applicable to those who purchase the hardcopy or kindle version on the book.

It has 9 chapters excluding Appendices
  • Computing with Formulas
  • Loops and Lists
  • Functions and Branching
  • Input Data and Error Handling
  • Array Computing and Curve Plotting
  • Files, Strings and Dictionaries
  • Introduction to Classes
  • Random Numbers and Simple Games
  • Object-Orientated Programming
Another nice addition to the book is that it contains appendices that help students in differential equations and discrete calculus. This would help students lacking knowledge in this area to get enough help to survive when programming for these applications (eg. solving differential equations).

Another important note is that the book has bioinformatics examples, which was nice for someone who wishes to enter the bioinformatics field from a biology background. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Review #1: Just Natural Organic Care Bald Spot Treatment

Firstly, I'd like to point out that herbal remedies are not my type of thing. I, for the most part, tend to like heavily marketed pharmaceuticals because they tend to be tested and placed under more stringent quality control.

I'm not saying that all herbal based products are bad. I just believe that lots of them are put together by people that think brewing up a concoction with Aloe Vera and other natural product naturally makes it a remedy that cures all the ailments in the world. I may be biased in this review and I'd just like to point that out before starting. 

Just Natural Organic Care bald spot treatment is just one of the products in the hair loss treatment range that are sold by Just Natural Organic Care. The site has been verified by Verisign, so at the very least, it isn't a big fraud.

How well did the product work?
My dad was the one that used the product. He has a growing bald patch in the middle of his head and a receding hair line, so this product was given to him as a present. My dad claims there has been no much difference the hairline but has noticed a slight improvement in the bald patch. Hair tends to fall out quite easily for him in this area. Applying the cream to this area has reduced hair loss from this region. He says that there has been some regrowth in the area too. 

My dad has used the cream for a little over 5 weeks. 

Is there a scientific basis for this product?
For those who don't know, I'm a molecular biologist. So, for the most part,  I trust in science more than my dad. This is what the website says: 

Bald spots can result from harsh chemicals, hair styling methods, allergic reactions, hair color, relaxers, medications, stress or health and diet conditions. Often hair follicles go dormant to try to recover from the damage.
The bald spots may not be permanent. If you do not cause further damage and begin to nurture your follicles they can recover and become healthy.
Our hair loss spot treatment cream is a hair accelerator that feeds follicles and helps remove obstacles that impede hair from being its healthiest. Think of it as a hair loss vitamin formula of herbal extracts that is going to rejuvenate your hair back into the growth phase.
Benefits of product
  • Bald spots may be an indication that your scalp is under stress.
  • This natural formula for bald spots puts nutrients and vitamins at the source of stress.
  • Gently soothes and aids hair growth by improving the health of your scalp.
  • Reduces scalp inflammation, dryness and itching.
In the extract, there are many components and so I check up the literature on as many components as possible and this is what I found.

  • Aloe Vera: there has been some evidence that Aloe Vera has cleaning, antiseptic and aids cell proliferation and rejuvenation. (Aburjai and Natsheh 2003) This may help hair follicles regain their activity.
  • Many oils (Sea Buckthorn Oil, Jojoba Oil, Carrot root oil, oils from the sweet orange) are present in the remedy that aid in scalp hydration, by reducing a process called transepidermal water loss. 
  • Olive leaf extract is said to have antioxidant effects that may reduce stress in hair follicles.

Final verdict
The product may not have a revolutionary new bioactive ingredient, but all the ingredients in the cream are safe and there are some scientific evidence behind some of the components aiding hair growth and reducing hair loss

Rating 8.5/10

Where to buy
It can be purchased from Just Natural Organic Care website for $25.99 + ~$6.99 shipping (so a total of $32.98) within the United States. As far as I know, I can't find a way to ship directly overseas. A more economical way to obtain it would be through Amazon for $28.99 with free shipping. There is a link here to purchase from Amazon

Stay tuned for more reviews. :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hey, I'm Evan. This is a where I plan to review products that I think are worth recommending to people (or to warn people to stay away from).

I work as a full-time molecular biologist, mostly dealing with bacteria (E. coli most of the time). I tend to favor functionality over aesthetics and this will probably be apparent in the reviews.

Enjoy. :)